“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.” Michael Jordan
Dress for Success Cincinnati’s New Headquarters!

Dress for Success Cincinnati is complete! Dress for Success is a nonprofit with the “vision not only to provide assistance to women in need of appropriate clothing to interview for a job, but also to provide a stable, safe and caring environment for women as they reclaim their lives.” This 8,500 square foot facility is divided into two sections: an office area and a boutique and donation center. The office includes one private office, a large open cubicle space, two meeting rooms, and a career center. In addition, there is a high-end boutique, Portaluca, and a large donation space. Take a look at a final project video and more photos here!
Breaking ground at the Freestore Foodbank’s Distribution & Workforce Training Facility

Paul Hemmer Company is proud to be partnering with the Freestore Foodbank and KZF Architects on this 224,000 square foot disrtibution center off of River Road only a few miles from downtown Cincinnati. Learn more about Freestore’s “Growing Beyond Hunger” Campaign to end hunger in Cincinnati and see more photos from the event here!